Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Yellow sack spider

The yellow sack spider with the Latin name Cheiracanthium inclusum is very common in most of the United States. The yellow sack spider is a cause of many bites in the US and a lot of house spiders are crushed on suspicion of being yellow sac spiders. Its bite corresponds to a bite from a wasp.Sac spiders typically have darker mouthparts and a faint dark stripe running lengthwise down the abdomen.Normally, these are outdoor spiders, but sac spiders often invade structures. Their numbers increase significantly in the fall when the weather turns cool and their food supply disappears. If there are small insects available, sac spiders can become established indoors.Sac spiders construct a silken tube or sac in a protected area, such as within a leaf, under landscape timbers or logs, or at the junction of a wall and ceiling, and they use this sac as their daytime retreat. This is how the sac spider gets its name. These spiders do not build webs.

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